
  1. Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for Counterfeit Electronic Parts Avoidance:  The seller shall ensure that only new and authentic materials are used in products delivered to LPI. The Seller may only purchase parts directly from Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs), OCM authorized (franchised) distributors, or authorized aftermarket manufacturers. Use of a product that was not provided by these sources is not authorized unless first approved in writing by LPI. If suspect/counterfeit parts are furnished to LPI by seller under the purchase order or are found in any of the Products delivered hereunder, such items will be impounded by LPI. The seller shall promptly replace such suspect/counterfeit parts with parts acceptable to LPI. The seller shall be liable for all costs relating to the removal and replacement of said parts, including without limitation, LPI’s external and internal costs of removing such counterfeit parts, reinserting replacement parts, and any testing necessitated by the reinstallation of seller’s products after suspect/counterfeit parts have been exchanged. Seller shall be fully liable for all such costs, even if such cost might be considered indirect, special, or consequential damages. Seller’s liability for suspect/counterfeit parts shall not expire for sixty (60) months after delivery. At LPI’s request, seller shall return any removed suspect/counterfeit parts to LPI in order for further investigation.